Belle Vue Street, Gorton, Manchester, M12 5PW

0161 223 9325 - option 2

All Saints Primary School

"Aiming High"


We are a GOOD school as of November 2022.

"Pupils are happy at this school. They told inspectors that they have lots of friends and that learning is fun"

"Leaders have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. In most subjects, most
pupils achieve well. Pupils benefit from the range of wider opportunities on offer." 

Ofsted 2022 (All Saints Primary School)

Some Key Findings

  • Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). In most subjects, leaders have given careful thought to the knowledge that they want pupils to learn and the order in which this should be taught. This knowledge clearly builds from the early years to Year 6.
  • Teachers have good subject knowledge. They explain new learning clearly and they check that pupils understand what has been taught. Teachers make links between what pupils learn and what they have learned previously. This helps pupils to build on their knowledge securely over time.
  • Leaders promote a love of reading. They have developed a welcoming library area that is well stocked with books that pupils enjoy. Leaders make sure that pupils access a broad range of books that enhance curriculum topics and themes. Pupils value the opportunity to extend their learning by reading these different texts.
  • Children in the early years settle into school life quickly. They develop positive relationships with their peers. Staff develop children’s language skills through the positive interactions that they have with each other. The early years curriculum prepares children well for what they will learn in Year 1 and beyond.
  • Leaders make sure that pupils’ additional needs are identified correctly and quickly. This includes pupils with SEND. Staff work well with external agencies to secure the additional support that pupils with SEND may need.
  • Leaders provide a range of opportunities that support pupils’ personal development. Pupils engage in initiatives like mental health week and gain a strong understanding of how to look after their mental well-being. Pupils are taught effectively about healthy relationships. They know the signs of unhealthy relationships and what to do if they have a concern. Pupils have a good understanding of democracy and
    equality. Pupils demonstrate respect for and tolerance of each other’s differences. Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. Pupils enjoy their learning and engage well in lessons. This means that low-level disruption is rare and is dealt with effectively when it occurs.

Click the Ofsted Link to read the full 2022 report.